Schools are bombarded with options for how to spend their time and money. Increasing demands from all government or administrative levels, school boards or councils, parents and community groups add complexity and pressure. Further, the huge variety of professional development offerings contribute to the temptation for schools to take on multiple agendas.
Thus, it is difficult for schools to choose and stick to two or three genuine priorities and follow these through. However, it is possible. It takes guts, commitment and resolve. It generally also means giving up some current practices to make way for “even better ones,” as Dylan Wiliam says, because "when everything is a priority nothing is."
Given the personal investment intertwined with ideas, projects or agendas within schools, it’s worth choosing priorities based on solid evidence about what works best to educate our students.
Even taking into account the limitations of Hattie’s methodology and the need to filter any research through the lens of the local setting, the effect size of various approaches is a helpful guide to efficacy. These measure the impact of strategies on student achievement.
For those unfamiliar with interpreting Hattie’s effect sizes, the “hinge point” – representing a year’s worth of growth for a year in school – is 0.4. Effect sizes above this are thus desirable and the higher the better.
I have focused only on those factors within the control of the school.
It appears that what has the most impact on student achievement is what teachers do with students in the classroom (pedagogy). This comes as no surprise.
Regardless, it is imperative schoolsstick with any agenda for 2 to 5 years without changingor diversifying to whatever the latest educational push may be. Continuity is one of the biggest success factors when adopting any approach and lack of a single long-term consistent approach is one of the main reasons so many good ideas do not succeed or are not sustained within schools.
Focus |
Related effect sizes |
LITERACY Students are taught how to make meaning (read, listen, view, and other sub-skills) of content Students are taught how to create meaning (write, speak, perform, compose, design etc.) for a purpose (inform, describe, calculate, persuade, justify, evaluate, compare, analyse, entertain etc.) Students rely on these skills to access content and to demonstrate their learning. Literacy thus becomes a foundational priority, as without it, the other focus areas are meaningless. Behaviour, for example, is a big factor in the learning environment and teacher stress, but there’s no point having beautifully behaved students if they are not taught anything and have acquired no skills. Further, literacy is a requirement of every subject at every year level for every student, regardless of background. It is the one universal requirement of all schools. |
EXPLICIT TEACHING Critical content and skills necessary for success are pinpointed, enabling the teacher to logically select and sequence what is taught. Based on this, a clear purpose and rationale for each lesson are devised and shared with the students. Students are taught using the gradual release of responsibility model (modelling – I DO; guided/joint practice - WE DO; independent practice – YOU DO). Student response as evidence of understanding is sought at each stage of the process. Consistent with the gradual release of responsibility approach, instructional delivery is characterised by clear descriptions and demonstrations of a skill followed by supported practice, scaffolding and timely feedback. Student accountability and ownership are increased throughout. |
The other factors with significant impact on STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTtend to be things which create the optimum conditions for learning to occur.
TEACHER BELIEF ABOUT STUDENTS Teachers adjust their content, planning, purpose, goals, expectations and pedagogy according to their estimate of student achievement. Teachers who genuinely believe ALL students are capable of making progress and achieving success, and who take the attitude that any failure of the student can be addressed by THE TEACHER changing or adding a useful educational practice, make powerful gains in student achievement. |
COLLECTIVE TEACHER EFFICACY Of high significance is the collective belief of staff in their ability to positively affect students. Teachers believe students can be helped and that they are qualified and able to successfully provide that help. In other words, staff members believe they possess the capabilities to organise and execute the action required to produce given levels of attainment (Bandura). |
TEACHER REVIEW OF PRACTICE During micro-teaching a teacher’s lesson is filmed. When they watch themselves afterwardsteachers evaluate the effectiveness of their practices (sometimesfora specific purpose). Usually they are accompanied by a mentor, coach, peer or expert to provide perspective, discussion opportunities and further insight. The teacher uses this new insight to change, embed or add to their teachingor to confirm their current practice. |
BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT It’s not surprising that behaviour has an impact on achievement. It also has a large impact on teacher morale and stress levels. Tight, clear, consistently applied behaviour management policies at each level of a schoolare helpful. |