Terms and Conditions
Our products have individual terms of use ranging from school wide licences to restricted individual licensing, depending on the options chosen when purchasing.
The Individual Licence enables individuals to purchase resources for use in their classrooms under normal individual literature copyright conditions.
Illegal copies
Making additional copies of resources is not permitted. If a teacher's copies are damaged or lost, contact us and they will be replaced.
The School Licence enables schools to purchase resources for use across the school community. The following conditions apply:
School Site Licence
When a school obtains a Site Licence, it is provided for the use of each teacher at that school. Individual teachers may then save the resource to their personal computers and make modifications for personalised planning.
Sharing documents within the school
Learning programs generated using the resources can be shared between teachers within the school.
Prohibited copying
However, under the copyright agreement with the school, teachers are not permitted to provide copies of resource materials or the formats to teachers from other schools who have not obtained a Site Licence.
The Site Licence is issued to the school and its current and future teachers. Teachers who transfer to another school are not permitted to use the materials in another school, with the following exceptions:
The new school has also purchased a site licence.
The teacher independently purchases an individual teacher's licence.
Illegal copies
Making additional copies of resources is not permitted. If a school's copies are damaged or lost, contact us and they will be replaced.