
What teachers should be doing on their holidays

What teachers should be doing on their holidays

Congratulations, you survived another long term and have finally conquered the pile of marking and report cards. Your next challenge is to switch from end of term madness to a state of holiday zen.

Don’t worry if you’re too tired to even think about making the most of your holiday. We’ve created a quick to do list to help you make the most of your break and get you ready for the next term.

Your holiday to do list:

1. Do something to help you relax

If your dreams are filled with red ink and avalanches of assignments, it’s time to actively relax. Switching from work, work, work mode isn’t easy – but it’s not impossible. Make sure you do something purely to relax this week. It could be a visit to the beach, a catch up with your best friends, a massage, aromatherapy, yoga or just a long hot bath. Try to block out an hour or two so you can tune out the world and just chill.

2. Netflix through the chill
The weather may be miserable, but you don’t have to be. Give yourself permission these holidays to take a break in front of the TV. Streaming services means you can tune out in front of everything from mindless reality drama to British whodunnits. This doesn’t have to be a mindless exercise, Netflix, SBS On Demand and ABC Iview all offer an array of documentaries to inspire and educate you. Or you can just enjoy the warm glow you get from watching the latest episodes of Queer Eye or Somebody Feed Phil.   

3. Read a book just for pleasure
You have the time, so once you’re in comfortably in your holiday groove, get lost in a good book. The only rule is that the book must be completely unrelated to your classroom work. Pick something to read purely for pleasure.

4. Get Outside
You’re free from the classroom so don’t waste your break inside. Get outside and enjoy some sunshine. If you’re struggling to unwind from the school term, get active. Go for a hike through some bushland or walk up a mountain. As you try to catch your breath and take in the view from the top, we promise you won’t be thinking about your students.

5. Try something new
We encourage kids to try something new through school holiday activities – but when was the last time you tried something new? Bust out of your rut and try something new these holidays. Whether it’s trying a new sport or physical challenge, or trying to nail a craft project you saw on Pinterest you’ll get your brain working and rediscover the joy of learning.

